September 25, 2019/Press
(Yet Another) NEW POLL Shows Tillis Underwater with NC Voters
Raleigh – A new poll released today from High Point University has more terrible news for Senator Thom Tillis and his decision to latch himself to President Trump to escape his increasingly nasty – and expensive – GOP primary:
- Tillis is 11 points underwater. Nearly 40% of voters disapprove of his performance, while just 27% approve.
- Trump is 8 points underwater. Half of NC voters disapprove of the president Tillis has decided to tie himself to.
This is the latest in a string of terrible polls for Senator Tillis:
- An AARP poll found that by a two to one margin, voters would rather give a new person a chance to do better rather than re-elect Tillis.
- A June PPP poll found Tillis’s approval ratings again underwater, with 23 percent approving vs. 46 percent disapproving.
- An End Citizens United poll found 51% of voters holding an unfavorable opinion of Tillis with just 33% having a favorable view of him.
- A separate PPP poll found Tillis so weak he’s underwater with GOP primary voters, with more disapproving of him than approving of him.
- Morning Consult found that Tillis has the lowest approval rating of any Senator in the entire country as his overall approval rating dropped “11 points since Trump took office.”
Meanwhile, Tillis is still struggling to convince base Republican voters to support him. At a recent Trump rally, GOP primary voters said: “Don’t like him,” “I won’t be voting for him,” “he flip-flopped on a number of issues at the last second to save his own butt… he’s a fair-weather friend,” and “he’s wishy-washy… it’s whatever is good for him.” Tillis has already been forced to spend half of his cash on hand – $2.2 million – on TV ads to fend off an increasingly serious primary challenge.
That’s because, as poll after poll, Trump rally attendees, and national analysts have found: “voters of all ideological stripes simply don’t trust Tillis.”