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NC Supreme Court Race Updates

Democratic Justice Allison Riggs defeated her opponent, state appeals court Judge Jefferson Griffin, by 734 votes in November’s election. But Griffin is refusing to concede – and instead has launched a multi-pronged attack on voters in both state and federal court. He’s trying to litigate away his loss by silencing over 67,000 voters, disproportionately from Black North Carolinians, and overturn the results of the election. Justice Riggs’ victory is the last uncertified race in this country.


(In state court) Last week, in a particularly egregious move, Griffin suggested that the court, as a first step, disqualify only overseas voters—including active military personnel and their families—but only from six heavily Democratic counties. Normally, Republicans attempt to hide it better when they cherrypick votes to suppress, but he is saying the quiet part out loud. 

(In federal court) The Fourth Circuit heard oral arguments this past Monday and ordered additional briefing on whether two of Griffin’s lawsuits belong in federal court. We don’t know when we’ll get a decision, but we’re hoping for one this week.


The North Carolina Democrats will fight tooth and nail in the courts to uphold the will of the people. Because if Republicans succeed in stealing an election there, they will export their blueprint to overturn our votes everywhere. We need all supporters of fair elections to support their fight. 

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