April 28, 2022/Media, Press

As North Carolina Voters Head To The Polls, GOP Senate Field’s Wrong For NC Agenda Is On Full Display

Early voting begins in North Carolina today, and across the state, voters have been witnessing the chaotic and expensive Republican primary play out in front of them. The GOP field’s wrong for North Carolina agenda has on full display every step of the way.

  • BOUGHT OUT & SWALLOWED UP”: North Carolina voters have been inundated with political attack ads from outside groups and campaigns seeking to influence their primary choice. It’s clear that whoever emerges from this nasty primary will be looking out for the special interests that fund their campaign – no matter the cost to North Carolinians.
  • KNIVES-OUT”: Instead of focusing on how they would address the challenges North Carolinians are facing, the divisive group of candidates have been busy fighting amongst each other. In this week’s debate, moderators pointed out that the candidates “didn’t really answer” or “provide solutions.” 

“Voters headed to the polls today see clearly that the GOP Senate field’s agenda of infighting and bowing to special interests over North Carolina’s interests is wrong for our state,” said NCDP spokesperson Kate Frauenfelder.