September 21, 2021/Media, Press

Mark Walker Escalates GOP Feuds As Bitter Senate Primary Wages On

Former Congressman Mark Walker is ratcheting up the attacks against his fellow GOP candidates as the Republican primary race in North Carolina gets uglier by the day. In a radio appearance yesterday, Walker went after  Pat McCrory for losing multiple campaigns, pointing out that his past failures are going to be “very disconcerting” for the “average voter.” Walker then went on to suggest Club for Growth’s massive spending to boost Budd was “because the Trump endorsement for Mr. Budd did not push the needle like it had in some other states.”


“Millions of dollars, personal attacks, and a bitter field of candidates — the Republican Senate primary is escalating by the week,” said NCDP spokeswoman Kate Frauenfelder. “With candidates using any opening to take aim at their opponents, the messy infighting is bound to stay front and center in this nasty primary.”
