North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Wayne Goodwin issued the following statement in response to today’s news that unemployment in the U.S. remains over 13%.
“The devastation this pandemic has wreaked on our country has been magnified by the delayed and botched response of the Trump administration. Even as we begin to reopen our state, North Carolina’s workers and small businesses have struggled to obtain support from the federal government due to this president’s mismanagement of relief funds. Thousands of local businesses will never reopen, and the sad reality is that it didn’t need to be this bad.
“Now, as we face unemployment at levels not seen in most of our lifetimes, the scale of the next president’s challenge and the stakes in this election could not be more clear. North Carolinians can see that Donald Trump is not up to the task of leading us out of this crisis, and in November, I’m confident they’ll choose a new path for our country in Vice President Joe Biden.”