Today, North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dr. Bobbie Richardson released the following statement celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday and offering thanks to North Carolina Democrats statewide for their hard work throughout this election cycle:
“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of our North Carolina Democrats statewide that remain committed to working tirelessly toward building a better future for our state and for our communities. We remain agents of progress here in North Carolina – advocates for fully funded public schools, for Medicaid expansion, for living wages for our working families, for safer communities, and for equal rights under the law – and it is through our efforts that we will continue to push North Carolina forward.
“This year, we have experienced some victories and losses in our fight, but I know that as long as we raise our voices and refuse to back down in the face of Republican extremism and regressive policies, North Carolina will always be the better for our strength and conviction. I want everyone of us – from volunteers to candidates to our staff – to feel proud of all of the work that they have done and will continue to do for their fellow North Carolinians and to know that we are thankful for them everyday. I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season.”