October 14, 2020/Media
What Ever Happened to the Health Care Plan Senator Tillis Promised Two Weeks Ago?
At the third U.S. Senate debate two weeks ago, Senator Tillis emphatically said there is a comprehensive health care plan that he supports and that he’s “rolling out a plan” any day now after discussing it with a colleague on the U.S. Senate floor.
Watch Tillis for yourself here:
MODERATOR: So, so, is there a comprehensive plan out there that you support?
TILLIS: There is. As a matter of fact I was speaking with a Senator on the floor yesterday – we’re rolling out a plan that actually provides health care people can afford. Tim, people have Affordable Care Act policies, they only use in a catastrophic situation. Cal will tell you it’s 30 million people who have a health care insurance policy now; most of them can’t use that unless they have a catastrophic situation, because they can only afford the policy. They can’t afford the copays they can’t afford the deba-the deductibles and out-of-pocket expense. We have to have a comprehensive plan that gives them a viable choice that also gives them access to wellness care to prevent them from getting to a point where they have a catastrophic health care situation.
It’s been thirteen days and we haven’t heard a peep about any comprehensive health care plan, even as Senator Tillis pushes forward with a Supreme Court nominee who could decide to upend every North Carolina families’ health care.
So, Senator Tillis, what is that “comprehensive plan” that you discussed with a colleague on the floor two weeks ago? What is the comprehensive health care plan you support?
North Carolinians deserve to know what exactly Senator Tillis’ plan is for the millions of North Carolinians who rely on the Affordable Care Act should it get struck down by a far-right court and a nominee he’s now rushing to confirm to a lifetime appointment.
“Two weeks ago, Senator Tillis said he’s rolling out a ‘comprehensive plan’ to protect North Carolinians’ health care, yet has offered no more details about it,” NCDP spokesperson Robert Howard said. “The simple truth is that Senator Tillis was lying through his teeth. He has no health care plan, despite voting 15 times to upend our health care, blocking Medicaid expansion, gutting protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and making health care more expensive. And now, rather than fight for families worried about the future of their health care, he’s rushing to confirm a nominee who is hostile to the ACA to a lifetime appointment on the court.”